These are the people that make My Buddy Butch Radio what it is. With their love of what they do, their commitment to family friendly excellence, they bring their own special talent to what we provide! Don't forget to check out their links!

Jeff Marginean is a dog dad, a multi award-winning author, musician, and producer with over 20 years of experience. He is the creator and host of the My Buddy Butch Radio Talk Show and the My Buddy Butch Daily Feature. He is a Distinguished Judge for the International Mom's Choice Awards and has won two of their prestigious awards for “Excellence in Family Friendly Entertainment.” He is a member of the Dog Writers Association of America, which was started by Westminster in 1935, and a voting producer member of the National Academy for Recording Arts and Sciences, Inc., for the Annual Grammy Awards®. He is President and CEO of the JEMAR Entertainment Corporation which has won a Dove Award for "Excellence in Family Friendly Entertainment." He holds two degrees (AAS and BS) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from the University of Akron and is a consummate DIY guy. He lives in a nice, quiet city in Ohio with his sidekick, constant companion, and dog son "Butch." Taking the best care of Butch is what spurred Jeff to start the My Buddy Butch show and being a Producer he knows how to keep the interest growing. He loves working outdoors and gets his best ideas while mowing the lawn!

Butch Marginean "King Butch" was a renaissance dog and despite his desire to become an agricultural biologist or a particle physicist, broadcasting became an interest for him early in his life. He went on to obtain a CGC Degree from the AKC and then became interested in flying. After a sabbatical in Tibet where he was contemplating the premise that if he could eat one of the flying monkeys from the Wizard of OZ it would give him the ability to fly, Butch returned to the states and approached Jeff about the idea for a radio show based on his exploits in the book. Jeff, being a producer, began framing the idea which became the MBB Radio Show in 2008. Butch retained the executive producer spot for the remainder of his life, directing Jeff in the weekly topic structure and content. When not working on the show Butch retired to the northern part of Italy outside of Florence and called in his weekly direction when not in the USA helping to produce the show. He had an interest in acting and TV and was making plans to write his memoirs. He was more than a little upset with Jeff about how he was portrayed in the Award Winning “Tell-All” book “My Buddy Butch- Confessions of a New Dog Dad” and was going to set the record straight before his untimely death from a brain tumor on May 1st 2012. Butch lived 7 years and 9 months. Jeff and Butch were the best of friends and Jeff will miss him for the rest of his life.

Bosco Marginean Butch's little brother Bosco has retained the title"Duke of Butch" as he fills in for Butch during the transition period of the My Buddy Butch radio and TV show. Bosco, a patron of the arts, also summers in Italy but has remained stateside to take over Butch's duties of filming and radio work. Bosco has been known as the "anti-Butch" because of his opposite blue eye and tiger striped brindle coat. He is even more ornery than Butch was and in his circles is the "trouble making dirty faced kid in the nieghborhood." Bosco has made the transition into TV and radio very smoothly, accompanying Jeff for some appearances and as part of the My Buddy Butch TV Show which began airing to a test cable market of 50,000 homes on May 2, 2012 while in development. Although not as highly trained as Butch, Bosco has taken to filming and the camera suprizingly fast. Bosco and Butch were also best friends and hung out together almost daily...Bosco misses Butch very much also....

Joe Lagani MBB co-producer. Known for keeping it "short and sweet," his bio is no exception.
Joe Lagani is an "NYC Indie Producer" who pretty much has his hands on
just about everything related to music, film, and media.
Earning college degrees in both music and engineering, Joe has
been independently producing out of New York City for over 30 years
with numerous credits and awards as composer, musician, engineer, and
of course, producer. Globe trotting can also be thrown into the bio
mix. Joe and Jeff have been friends since the college days working on various projects together over the years...
Now that's plenty . . .
Rick Mirenzi MBB co-producer , Director of Sales and Marketing joined the MBB team in June 2011. He is the executive producer of the "Ourtown Connection" TV Show which is where the "My Buddy Butch TV Show" got it's start. Rick has been in the marketing game for over 30 years and is now producing and directing on a daily basis. Rick's main objective is "To Connect and Encourage viewers, listeners, business sponsors, and community leaders to always stay positive and find a way to make a positive difference in someone's life."
MBB Radio Contributors
If it were not for these distinguished and caring individuals the My Buddy Butch Show would not be where it is today and Butch would not be as healthy as he is! Thier commitment to family, pets, children, and helping others is second to none and we are proud to have them as friends and contributors!

Dr. Dawn Marcus M.D. is a board-certified neurologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. While spending two decades... more

Dr. Donna Spector DVM, DACVIM is a board-certified veterinary internist who has practiced at several leading institutions, including the Animal Medical Center and Fifth Avenue Veterinary Specialists in New York City and the University of California, Davis... more

Darlene Arden CABC is a certified anmial behavior consultant working with both cats and dogs.Whether she’s writing books or articles, speaking to breed clubs and other animal-related groups, attending veterinary conferences to increase her own knowledge... more

Dick Rolfe CEO and Co-Founder of the Dove Foundation a nonprofit advocacy organization committed to moving Hollywood in a more family-friendly direction joins us to talk specifically about the latest in Family Friendly movies and entertainment... more

Dr. Fran Walfish Psy.D., MFT is a leading child and family therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, California. Her caring approach, exuberant style, humor, and incisive insights have earned her a sterling reputation in the field... more

Rebekah Lusk Esq., Attorney is an Associate at the Thienel Law Firm, LLC near Washington DC. Her practice focuses on business law, litigation, landlord/tenant law, real estate, family law, and equine and animal law... more
Special Guests
- Heloise
- Sheri Woodard - Nat Geo's Dog Town
- John Garcia - Nat Geo's Dog Town
- David Frei - Tv Host National Dog Show and Westminster Dog show.
- John O'hurley - TV Co-Host National Dog Show. Seinfeld's Mr. Peterman
- Victoria Stilwell - It's Me or The Dog
Guest Booking
If you represent an author, a new product, a celebrity or an interesting topic to discuss and you would like to be a guest on our show, please contact us at