11 Startling Myths About Pets Explained

November 30th, 2010

MSNBC – (Petwave) – Regardless of whether you own a pet that barks or purrs, you still have probably heard a myth or two about them. Here are some truths, facts and falsehoods about the top 11 most common myths about dogs and cats…more…

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When You Die Will You Make Your Pet Follow?

November 30th, 2010

MSNBC -  We’ve all heard of people who love their pets too much. But what about loving your pet to death? Such was the case with Tom Tom, a healthy 2-year-old Yorkshire terrier who was euthanized and laid to rest last March after its late owner, Donald Ellis, left explicit instructions that his beloved Yorkie be put down and buried with him. While startling, it wasn’t an anomaly. Tom Tom isn’t the only pet to find his days numbered after an owner shuffles off this mortal coil…more…

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United States Senate moves on food safety bill…finally

November 16th, 2010

THE HILL – Almost a year to the day after a unanimous committee vote, a long-stalled bill to promote food safety is poised for Senate passage within a week. The bill by Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) passed the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on Nov. 18, 2009, with a 16-0 bipartisan vote. It had already passed the House in July 2009 on a 283-142 vote. But it was then forced onto the Senate’s back burner while the upper…more…

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Lyme disease rates up among pets in PA. Humans also at risk.

November 16th, 2010

Pittsburgh Post Gazette – Millie was a 16-month-old spayed Bernese mountain dog who bounded into the veterinary examination room and greeted our staff with her wagging tail and bubbly personality. Her coat was sleek, her eyes were bright and her physical examination was normal. She tested negative for internal parasites and was at her ideal weight. She was in perfect health — or so we thought…more…



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Carniverous ‘monster’ fish had fist-sized teeth

November 16th, 2010

(DISCOVERY NEWS & MSNBC)  – The world’s largest lungfish tooth was recently unveiled at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology annual meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa. The tooth belonged to a carnivorous “monster” of a fish that…more…

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Afghanistan Hero Dog Accidentally Euthanized

November 16th, 2010

ARIZONA (MSNBC) – A hero dog named Target, credited with saving a soldier’s life in Afghanistan, was accidentally euthanized at an animal shelter. KPNX’s Kevin Kennedy reports…more…

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Miniature guide horse opens doors for blind student

November 15th, 2010


MSNBC – For Mona Ramouni, who’s blind, using a guide dog was just not possible. From an observant Muslim family, Ramouni’s parents objected to having a dog in the house…more…

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New Ohio Egg recall has ties to DeCoster, Bethel

November 10th, 2010

IOWA INDEPENDENT - Mississippi-based Cal-Maine Foods, Inc., was notified Monday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that one of its suppliers, Ohio Fresh Eggs, had a routine environmental study sample that tested positive for Salmonella. Ohio Fresh Eggs has had ties with both Orland Bethel and Austin “Jack” DeCoster, the two men behind Iowa egg production companies at the center of a recent massive egg recall…more…

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Missouri’s new Prop B banning puppy mills threatens Pro Breeders

November 10th, 2010

BOLIVAR-HERALD FREE PRESS Missouri, - Proposition B that places new regulations on dog breeders was approved by voters Nov. 3, but because it is a statutory change, it can be amended by the state legislature without a vote of the people. “We could repeal the whole process,” said Senator-elect Mike Parson, who is now 133rd District Representative. “But that’s not practical and not going to happen, probably.”…more…

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Bed Bugs possible on your pet? 50-50 chance!

November 10th, 2010

NEW YORK—Plaguing local homes and businesses alike, the recent spread of bedbugs has many people concerned about the well-being of their families, homes, and even pets. For worried pet owners, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) provides information about these insects and how to protect pets..more…

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Young children most vulnerable to dog bites from a family pet when left alone, study finds.

November 10th, 2010

LOS ANGELES TIMES - Children may be most vulnerable to dog bites when they’re left alone, a new study finds, and the guilty party may most often be the family dog. Researchers from the University of Colorado, Denver looked at data on 537 children up to age 18 who were treated at Children’s Hospital in Denver for dog bites to the face from 2003 to 2008…more…

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Want a Great Career? Large Animal Veterinarians are needed!

November 10th, 2010

SEDALIA, Mo. (KCTV5) – While it’s easy to find veterinarians in metro offices such as the Lee’s Summit Veterinary Hospital, farmers in Missouri and across the country say they can barely find a doctor to help them with their livestock. It’s a shortage some veterinarians say isn’t getting enough relief. Dana Gillig is one of two large animal vets in Sedalia. The two cover a 30-mile radius and their job is integral to keeping the No. 1 industry in Missouri alive and well…more…

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Wildlife as pets…Baby Attacked…Sadly it Happens all too often!

November 5th, 2010

COVINGTON, GEORGIA — While law enforcement unravels the mystery of how a baby could be attacked inside her home by raccoons, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources reminds residents that it is against the law in Georgia to keep any native wildlife species as a pet…more…

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The Dog Whisperer in Victoria – Did Cesar Step in it?

November 5th, 2010

(Lainygossip.com) – Cesar Millan is touring. There was a show in Victoria, British Columbia earlier this week and I have heard from a few people who were there, all with rather negative reviews. Not just like – oh, I didn’t find his information helpful or ..more…

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Skin-cancer drug cream poses risk of accidental poisoning in Pets.

November 3rd, 2010

REUTERS (NY)- Doctors who reported the case caution that pet owners using the drug-commonly prescribed to patients with a form of skin cancer called actinic keratosis-should be aware of the risk it poses to their animals and take steps to keep the medication away from curious snouts…more…

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